Friday 17 May 2013

My biggest week yet

I'm now in full training mode, squeezing as much time on the bike as I can around work, family and general life. And it's going well, I've managed to ride over 140 miles in the last seven days, including:

  • 40 miles after work last Friday, pretty flat and pretty comfortable

  • 30 miles in the pouring rain last Sunday afternoon. After the Giro ITT on Saturday it felt only right to include the 20 mile circuit I ride versus the clock. I flew through the first two thirds and felt really strong, only to then hit a strong headwind for most of the last five miles that really sapped my legs. And it poured down with rain! I still clocked 1hr 08mins, though, taking 5mins of my previous best

  • On Wednesday I took my bike into work for the first time. Quite a logistical challenge to ensure the correct clothes/food/car/bike etc. were all in the right places, but come 5pm I was out the door and set off in glorious evening sunshine for 50 miles home. Here's my ride on Strava, and keeping a 15mph average over that distance riding along is something I'm pretty chuffed about. Around the 40 mile mark, though, I hit pouring rain again... Good practice if nothing else

Yesterday, the postman delivered my full race pack from the British Heart Foundation for the London to Brighton ride, less than a month away now. As ever, all sponsorship support for the BHF is hugely appreciated.
