About me

In March 2012 I was given a sobering medical. At just 33, I was overweight and out of shape. My resting heart rate was high, and my blood pressure wasn’t far behind. I wasn’t looking after myself, and would pay the price in the long term.

I’ve got a wonderful wife and two beautiful girls, aged two and five, and a relatively demanding job with a level of responsibility my Dad still finds surprising. I thought I was just too busy to do any exercise. It was time, though, to start finding the time.

I’ve always loved watching pro cycling (well, other than during the Armstrong era), and a trip to Lanzarote shortly after my medical was enough to inspire me. The open roads of Lanzarote are full of cyclists, and I wanted to join them. Returning home I dusted off my old mountain bike, and headed off round the hills of Berkhamsted.

A year later and three stones less I’m feeling better than ever. I’m still very much a beginner cyclist with a long way still to go to be really fit, but the mountain bike has been replaced with my first ‘proper’ road bike.

I loved the London Olympics, and as a family we threw ourselves wholeheartedly into it. It was such a high, and it took a while to come back down again (others have talked about POD, or post-Olympic depression!). So we asked ourselves: we've been inspired, so what should we do in 2013? What should our personal Olympic legacy be? We have decided as a whole family we should do more sport this year, more cycling, and use it as a route to raise money for charity.

I’m really excited (if a little daunted) about the cycling challenges I’ve set myself for 2013. Mostly, though, I’m really hoping I can raise as much money for Cancer Research as possible. Thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for your support.
