Monday 15 April 2013

First time for everything

Yesterday I managed to get out for a Sunday early morning ride with my local cycling club, Tring Velo Club, for the first time. It's a small, friendly, informal group of Dads who made an enthusiastic beginner feel very welcome. Thanks Gents!

I did 50 miles in total, taking just 3hrs 20min, so 15mph average. I'm quite proud of that! Here's my ride on Strava.

Getting experience of riding in groups is an important part of my preparation for being one of 20,000 doing the Ride100. Here's what I learnt:

  • Riding in a group does help you go faster. It's true. Not sure if it's just peer pressure or less wind resistance yet, though. Need to practice slip streaming more

  • It's much easier riding in the group than Yo-Yoing out the back... I found it harder keeping up as the ride went on, my lack of stamina showing. And with the extra effort needed to get back in the pack, it was all too easy to fall straight out the back again. I really do need to keep building my endurance

  • Head winds hurt. I managed to slip off the back of the group just as we went through a very exposed area with 20+mph gusting headwinds. I felt like I was putting in power that should have had me going at 17mph or more, and I was only managing 11mph

  • 50 miles at 15mph average is pretty much my limit now. I was pretty knackered when I finished, and don't think I'd fueled myself properly, dehydration making me feel a little sub-par for the rest of the day. Must sort that out

A really good ride, but also slightly frightening to think in four months times I'll need to ride twice this distance. Many, many training miles to go between now and then.